Monday, June 25, 2007


This is the color of the building as Tim sprays. Unfortunately the shot of the whole building did not come out. So will share that one next time. Tim said satin sheen is more durable. He also told us some sealers can not be painted over.
After the building was painted we had a steady stream of neighbors drop by and say they liked the color or it looked good.

I can tell you it is a giant step toward our opening the store but one of many needed to finish the lengthy list of to dos we still have.

Stephen is searching for a door man for us. Bill is still waging a loosing battle with the poision ivy that just keeps coming back. We are trying to find a 30 by 30 space on this property to build a cottage that does not cross over a water line, electric line or pole, gas line, sewer line or obstruct our ability to do business. It will require a miracle only Mother Theresa could manage but still there is hope.

Bill has some vision a neighbor will sell us a plot of land close to the store but I am focused on the store that seems to have it's own problems stacked too high to see over.

In addition to the miracle of paint we got to eat the Bar B Q Bill made and it was wonderful again. That is three successful Bar B Q Ribs he has produced. Tasty enough thinking about them makes you hungry and yummy everytime.

Men like to BarBQ
Men will cook
if danger is involved
John Wayne