Monday, February 2, 2009

Kanawha Community to Kansas City

Our trip to work on the store in January was delayed due to Bill's work requiring him to stay in the area so a week later we made a Thursday through Saturday trip with Sunday reserved for Bill and the SuperBowl...his Steelers won! How about that 100 yard run?

The water was off when we arrived but we had bottled water left over from the Christmas Gathering. It was back on before we left Saturday.

We bought two more sets of shelving for the storage area. Bill made quick work of assembling them and we determined we need at least one more to finish out the wall. We have another warehouse membership, this one at Costco.

While we were looking at shelves Will found the backside of an 18 wheeler and managed to total his little truck. He was not hurt but his ability to get around has been seriously changed. The 18 wheeler had two bent reflecters.

We met Jerry, who is a knowledgeable man who can help us with plumbing, electric outlets, construction and anything else we get stuck on. We hired him to work for us in February. His help is sure to make the opening of the store more plausable. We are very grateful to our son Tim for telling us about him.

We made our first trip to Paris Lumber and were greeted with friendly people who didn't mind sending us to another store if the product we needed was cheaper and ready to be picked up. We found a paneling product we need for the wall around the window five dollars cheaper at Paris Lumber and will return for it in two weeks. Nice folks at Paris Lumber!

Last trip we had a small invasion of ladybugs in the trailer. This trip we only found one. Bill said she was asleep but she looked dead to me. I think it got too cold.

The postwoman Ms. Shelby stopped to ask if we wanted to be added to her route. I guess we are official now as we can get junk mail. Seems businesses get walk up delivery so no mailbox is required. We look forward to seeing her again.

The lights in the store have been going out two by two so we bought replacement bulbs half price at Home Depot. They come 15 to a box which seemed an odd number to us but maybe there is a reason for this we do not understand. Two 8 ft bulbs fit in a fixture. We were down to 2 that worked.


Evelyn said she is descended from Tennessee Texas Graham Bowman of Bowman Hill, and from John Cassimer Perot. There was a legendary aunt in her family born Johnnie Walker, and the Harts have been friends with some of her Perots. The old family farmhouse burned down years ago near Kanawha.

It was good to hear from her. I hope she finds her way back to Kanawha.


We stopped to visit with my parents on the way home. They have not been feeling well. Maybe the cold weather we have had is making it harder to get around and remember the order of things. I think they are looking forward to Spring.