The Sunday quick trip was an effort to clear the area of trash, relocate a mound of dirt to around the foundation and create a black board for menu items. We actually got most of this done. One area still in need of help involves large strips of sheet metal and a barrel, but that is for another day.
We had a wonderful surprise visit from Cathy. She is moving back to Kanawha in two years! Her plan is a good one as our community continues to grow. She also brought a little fur ball dog with her. He enjoyed a brief tour of the store. Michael Bryant was helping Cathy reach some goals that will help with her security. It is always good to see him again.
Jody called to tell us we have a broken window in the trailer. She was kind enough to cover it before the next big rain. Her complete family except her son in Germany will attend dinner at her home. Still she found time to call me and patch the window.
We pray everyone in Kanawha has a blessed Easter.