Our family would like to thank the board members of 410 Water for the generous and kind gift of the sign located in Woodland. We are very grateful. Our advertising budget for the store is zero, so when we saw this under utilized sign in the perfect spot it seemed too good to be true. We are working on ideas for paint that will not detract from the serenity of the Woodland Community or clash with the neighboring sign for the Leesville Church.
The down sizing and division of our family continues. Boxes line the walls in our Dallas county home...products for the store, personal items that need packed away (...you know the plaster fish with the broken tail held on by a bandaid, made with love by your child in his first art class... times 5) and stored so the house can revamp to sell and the struggle to decide what is purchased when, so we can all have clean clothes and food to eat while this two year fix goes on.
Bill has most of the store wall in place. In spite of the indecission over where this wall should go we seem to have come out ok. The room is large enough to house a desk, file cabinet, 2 storage cabinets and appliances. At least that is what the tape measure is telling us.
Our cousin cut up and neatly stacked the tornado downed limb so the grounds are looking better still. We really appreciate that as it was on the todo list.
May is order AC units and June is take delivery and install. June will be my first live in Kanawha experiment. If you have been praying for me please don't stop in June! And if your not praying for me, don't let that stop you from starting. I feel like Ma Kettle without Pa.
Next weekend is a long one Sat through Tue. Pictures (hopefully) when we return.
Jody says the Blueberry Farm in Kiomatia is about to open "for pick your own". Nice folks operate this pretty place open May and June of each year.